Confidentiality Issues
A confidentiality agreement is a legally binding document that protects an employer’s confidential information throughout an employee’s term with the company, as well as after termination. Once these documents are signed, employees are to keep confidential information and data secure. Some agreements may include negotiable exclusions, which allows employees to share certain pieces of information. Many times, these forms of information are well-known industry knowledge. Obtaining an attorney can help you navigate these important documents or defend your business against litigation.
Confidentiality agreements help protect some of your business’ most valuable assets; your data and secrets. Commonly, confidentiality agreements will contain guidance on disclosing the following:
• Financial information
• Marketing Strategies
• Trade Secrets
• Customer Data
• Operational and Process Secrets
At the Law Offices of Pullano & Farrow, our Labor & Employment attorneys have drafted and reviewed many agreements for our clients, including confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-competition, and non-solicitation agreements. Additionally, our litigation team is ready to defend you when your organization faces confidentiality issues. To speak to a Labor & Employment attorney, please call our Rochester office at 585-730-4773.