Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Investigations
In a sexual harassment case, an employer may be held liable for failure to properly present or address a situation. In order to avoid this liability in an accusation, taking the right steps toward prevention or correction is essential.
Conducting a prompt and documented investigation is imperative to overcome claims of harassment or discrimination. The Labor & Employment attorneys at The Law Offices of Pullano & Farrow have investigated, defended, and litigated dozens of these claims. Our work is designed to ensure that these investigations are thorough and compliant.
Under New York's sexual harassment laws, employers must also understand that these laws protect more than just the employees currently hired in your organization. Sexual harassment is illegal in the workplace as it applies to applicants, interns, contractors, subcontractors, delivery personnel, clients, and others that interact with your business.
Types of Sexual Harassment
Workplace harassment can be categorized as either quid pro quo harassment or hostile work environment harassment.
• Under quid pro quo harassment, an employee attempts an exchange for an action of harassment, such as a promotion. Also considered quid pro quo, is if the effected employee refuses to comply, they may be terminated, demoted, or receive less promotions in the future.
• A hostile work environment occurs when an employee creates a work environment that is hostile or intimidating. This conduct may be verbal or physical abuse.