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New Lactation Break Requirements in NY

As of June 19, 2024, New York State requires all private sector employers to provide 30 minutes of paid break time to employees who have a reasonable need to express breast milk for up to three years following childbirth. Employers must provide reasonable break time as often as an employee reasonably needs to express breast milk. Employees can also use any existing paid break or mealtime for breast milk expression beyond the initial 30 minutes. The number of paid breaks an employee will need to express breast milk is unique to each employee.

Employers are required to tell employees about their rights regarding breast milk in the workplace, by providing an employee the New York State Department of Labor “Policy on the Rights of Employees to Express Breast Milk in the Workplace” when an employee starts a new job and annually. Employers are also required to provide this Policy to employees as soon as they return to work following the birth of a child.  This Policy details how an individual can make a request to express breast milk at work, details the lactation room requirements, and details that employers must also follow existing federal laws.


Our firm has extensive experience counseling individuals, businesses, and others on statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as preparing and implementing applicable policies. If you have any questions related to this Legal Briefing, please contact any member of our firm at 585-730- 4773.



This Legal Briefing is intended for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice or counsel. The substance of this Legal Briefing is not intended to cover all legal issues or developments regarding the matter. Please consult with an attorney to ascertain how these new developments may relate to you or your business. © 2024 Law Offices of Pullano & Farrow PLLC


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